Available Add-ons

Logo Title Description
additional System - 1 month
SAP Advanced Root Cause Analysis Add-On - 1 month
With this app, you can investigate performance problems and error situations, and analyse the causing component in detail.
SAP Configuration & Security Analysis Add-On - 1 month
The Configuration & Security Analysis App enables you to centrally ensure that all systems follow the defined security guidelines.
SAP System Monitoring Add-On - 1 month
The System Monitoring application in SAP Solution Manager provides an overview of the current status of technical systems ...


Apps for SAP Basis Ope­ra­ti­ons

Our "Apps for SAP Basis Operations" are field-tested operational tools from professionals for professionals and thus ideal for stable SAP Basis In-House Operations. This App Suite incorporates our experience from the operation of over 3,000 SAP systems. It offers you solutions for maintenance, monitoring, compliance management and Cross-System root cause analysis.


CORE SAP Support Package


As part of the license maintenance agreement, SAP Requires the customer to cooperate, which includes maintaining the System Data in SAP Marketplace and distributing maintenance certificates on the individual systems. To fulfill these cooperation obligations, each customer generally requires an SAP Solution Manager System.

This is where our service comes in. The "CORE SAP Support Package" offers you exactly the relevant functions you need to receive SAP Support for your system landscape even without your own SAP Solution Manager system. You do not need your own System and thus achieve savings in implementation efforts, infrastructure costs and operating expenses.